Hello all! So being in the military I have had the opportunity to meet so many talented people, dancers, musicians, poets, writers, just true artists. Well I didn't really get the artistry gene (I can dance and sing.... not SANG.... just sing) but I try sometimes. Well recently my command held our annual children's Christmas party, they are always looking for volunteers. Last year I helped with the cookie decorating station, easy for me as a baker, this year I saw an opening for face painting. I jumped right on it and offered myself.
Now you may be wondering, "why did you offer to face paint if you can't draw?" My response to that would be, "That is an amazing question that I don't have an answer for other than that fact that it was an exciting impulsive idea." Now about 3 days before the party that question did finally hit me, like a sack of potatoes. No, Like a brick. No, I guess more like an anvil.... you know the cartoon AMC anvils that fall randomly from the sky and crush you! Well that happened! So I jumped into action, I found a lady in our area who does face painting purchased some supplies from her to practice, used a mannequin head I had purchased from the Daiso (Japanese dollar general) almost a year ago but never used and started drawing.
Thanks to
Official Snazaroo YouTube channel I could at least draw a butterfly going in to the party event.
Not the best but this is how I looked after 4 hours. Yes I did this myself! This was my I'm tired smile!
After that I just Googled <- can this actually be used as a word?
By the end of the afternoon I had draw about 3 butterflies, 4 Christmas tree scenes (snow falling, snow on the ground, gifts under the tree), 2 gingerbread men, a princess crown, Santa hat, and a sad Pikachu. Now I did have the joy and opportunity to start with my own boys to practice (snowman and Pikachu). Now for the adults that saw the Pikachu photo they immediately laughed and thought I was copying some Pokémon meme, unfortunately not so, just first time drawing Pika. Using mind you.. a Google search "how to draw Pikachu step by step".
As the afternoon went on I became a little more confident (stayed away from Pikachu or any real drawing) but my work got better. The kids were happy, the parents were happy, and I volunteered. So Yay!! <3.. never again though (face painting that is)! I will leave this to the
professionals in my area!
My boys and two young ladies that let me take a photo! |
I had fun, it was interesting and now I know face painting is not a strong suit for me. My boys had a blast playing in the fake snow snuck a photo with Santa and rocked out with their friends.
Super blurry on one side----photo of a photo! Snowman face paint going strong! |
Always remember:
*Everyday you are living you will learn something new (big or small)
*Never be afraid to try
*You are never too old to learn/try something new!
***volunteer for things you KNOW you can do!*** LOL
From my family to yours Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa