But I kept working on them I know in the end they were going to be one of two things, tasty or beautiful, and well by the looks of things I sure hope tasty! Well I have learned if you don't follow the instructions, everything they tell you it may NOT end well. My first mistake was the type of stick I used to make the pops. I did not take the time to purchase lollipop sticks, instead I decided to maintain my frugal-ness and use skewers. Well they don't hold up very well, the cake rounds just kinda slipped down the stick. It seemed that that was the begining of my issues. I had noting to hold up the pops after inserting the stick so that I could decorate them. Next mistake is marshmallo fluff! Well I did know that fluff doesn't harden like regular marshmallow. That was a mess trying to dip and watching it drip.
As you can see I tried to use a deep fryer pan to hold up the pops, this is when I learned the fall off the sticks for being too long. So I chopped down the sticks and dipped them in chocolate, my oh my did they look much better.I was afraid that the chocolate was not going to harden like I wanted them to but alas it looked much better, by the time I finished dipping the last pop the first one had already began to harden. This time I used some styrofoam that came from my new laptop box. Worked wonders for me. Well I got my icing, tried a couple different tips to decorate and went to work. I have to work on maintaing a steady hand but I guess I will learn that when I finally take a decorating class. Until then I will keep playing around to perfect my home made recipes. But I hope you like the photos below. I must say I knew they were tasty, shucks, pretty much anything made with Nutella is going to be good. But I am glad they came out just as beautiful.