Friday, May 27, 2011

Something new....Something small....Something easy??!

So have you ever seen something so cute? These are the new fad "Cake Pops". They are bite size cake in many shapes and colors. The one above is a wonderful creation from "Bakerella", she has been seen on Martha Stewart for her tasty and sight entising cake pops. More of her edible art can be seen on . Anyway I searched to find an easy recipe to try and trust me there were many to choose from, so the decision was a little harder than I had presumed. I eventually decided to just use the Wilton videos from Youtube and put my own twist to it. I decided to make chocolate pops. I started with my own homemade cake batter and used Nutella instead of frosting to form the shapes. I must say when I first shaped them they didn't look very appealing.

But I kept working on them I know in the end they were going to be one of two things, tasty or beautiful, and well by the looks of things I sure hope tasty! Well I have learned if you don't follow the instructions, everything they tell you it may NOT end well. My first mistake was the type of stick I used to make the pops. I did not take the time to purchase lollipop sticks, instead I decided to maintain my frugal-ness and use skewers. Well they don't hold up very well, the cake rounds just kinda slipped down the stick. It seemed that that was the begining of my issues. I had noting to hold up the pops after inserting the stick so that I could decorate them. Next mistake is marshmallo fluff! Well I did know that fluff doesn't harden like regular marshmallow. That was a mess trying to dip and watching it drip.
As you can see I tried to use a deep fryer pan to hold up the pops, this is when I learned the fall off the sticks for being too long. So I chopped down the sticks and dipped them in chocolate, my oh my did they look much better.I was afraid that the chocolate was not going to harden like I wanted them to but alas it looked much better, by the time I finished dipping the last pop the first one had already began to harden. This time I used some styrofoam that came from my new laptop box. Worked wonders for me. 

Well I got my icing, tried a couple different tips to decorate and went to work. I have to work on maintaing a steady hand but I guess I will learn that when I finally take a decorating class. Until then I will keep playing around to perfect my home made recipes. But I hope you like the photos below. I must say I knew they were tasty, shucks, pretty much anything made with Nutella is going to be good. But I am glad they came out just as beautiful.

In the end the recipe was quite easy but you must always follow directions and much easier if I had the correct tools.

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